release your greatness, breaking free, to live a purposeful limitless life
James C. Tanner

Release Your Greatness: Breaking Free, To Live a Purposeful Limitless Life

Release Your Greatness: Breaking Free, To Live a Purposeful Limitless Life” is a compelling non-fiction book that delves deep into the transformative power of personal agency and the profound impact our choices have on shaping our lives.


In this thought-provoking guide, author James C. Tanner explores the fundamental belief that nobody is destined to be a loser – success is an attainable goal for anyone willing to embrace their potential. With a refreshing perspective, he reveals that maturity is not solely a natural progression but a conscious choice we must make, urging readers to take responsibility for their own growth and development.


Drawing on personal anecdotes and wide-ranging research, the author emphasizes the importance of doing the inner work necessary to build fulfilling lives. He deftly guides readers through practical exercises, tools, and strategies designed to challenge their mindset, clarify their goals, and ignite their motivation. Alongside motivational insights, the book also offers valuable advice on overcoming obstacles, embracing failure as a stepping stone to success, and developing resilience in the face of adversity.


One of the book’s central themes revolves around the influential role of our relationships. The author compellingly argues that we are a reflection of the five people we keep closest in our lives, encouraging readers to carefully consider the company they keep and harness the power of positive influences. Additionally, he explores the notion that some relationships may require necessary endings in order for personal growth and flourishing.


Release Your Greatness: Breaking Free, To Live a Purposeful Limitless Life” is an illuminating manual for those seeking transformation and empowerment. Through its pages, readers will discover how to break free from self-imposed limitations, transcend societal expectations, and live life on their own terms. By embracing choice as a catalyst for change, individuals can unlock their true potential and create the extraordinary lives they were born to lead.

James C. Tanner is a highly published writer, author and business coach who has written heavily on topics related to business, marketing, and psychology. He has written and taught business skills courses for clients such as the Government of Canada. He is a former professional Investigator who specialized in cult and occult related crime with a targeted focus on the ritual slaughter of animals.

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