rekindling hope in a crazy world, james c tanner
James C. Tanner

Rekindling Hope In A Crazy World: Daring To Dream A Bigger… Better Dream

In a world engulfed by political upset, fractured ideals, military conflict, fast rising cost of living, exploding housing costs, and economic uncertainty, where the threat of personal chaos lurks behind every corner, “Rekindling Hope in A Crazy World: Daring To Dream a Bigger… Better Dream” offers a guiding light of inspiration and encouragement.

At its core, “ Rekindling Hope in A Crazy World: Daring To Dream a Bigger… Better Dream ” challenges readers to embrace change and adapt to new realities. Using vivid storytelling and thought-provoking anecdotes, James C. Tanner illuminates the transformative power that lies within embracing the unknown.

This book serves as a resounding reminder that hope is not elusive – it is within reach for all who are willing to grasp it. “ Rekindling Hope in A Crazy World: Daring To Dream a Bigger… Better Dream ” encourages readers to believe in the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead and empowers them to dare to dream a bigger, better dream.

James C. Tanner is a highly published writer, author and business coach who has written heavily on topics related to business, marketing, and psychology. He has written and taught business skills courses for clients such as the Government of Canada. He is a former professional Investigator who specialized in cult and occult related crime with a targeted focus on the ritual slaughter of animals.

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